Affordances enable intuitive and effective interactions with the environment. They communicate how objects or spaces can be used or interacted with. By incorporating clear and well-designed affordances, we empower users to navigate and engage with spaces effortlessly. This enhances usability, user satisfaction, and overall user experience. When users can easily understand how to interact with a space, they feel more confident, comfortable, and in control, leading to a positive and fulfilling experience within the designed environment.

intervention @ qvm
Movable and convertible intervention at Queen Victoria Market that provides better facilities for workers and visitors to eat, rest and shop while at the market.
The modular, flexible structure affords users the ability to control their level of privacy/ interaction with other people.

Retail X Experiment = ?
Gives artisans the platform to showcase the labour that goes into the making of a garment apart from providing them with a flexible and comfortable workspace with opportunities for rest.